Personal Testimonies of Cancer Healed

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." (Proverbs 15:30)
Please be free to post your experience with cancer and your process to healing:

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  1. My son was healed by The Power of God, being surrounded by prayers of faith and miracle words of healing. He had the expertise of doctors, a top surgeon, nursing staff, and medications, but the Almighty God was above them all! He needed the medical team, but without the Almighty God he would have died. On January 25, 2013, Andre, age 30, suffered his first ruptured brain aneurysm while working at his desk. He was taken by ambulance to John C. Lincoln Deer Valley Hospital (Phoenix), then by helicopter to St. Joseph's Hospital. He went into immediate surgery by staff of Barrow Neurological Institute. This 24-hour period was the beginning of miracles. Most people do not live after a ruptured brain aneurysm.

    He had been in ICU for two weeks, then had a seizure and another ruptured brain aneurysm. Right when I thought he was getting stronger, he was back into surgery! The medical team did what they had been trained to do and I did not change from believing The Power of God, being surrounded by prayers of faith and miracle words of healing. He survived! Two weeks after this, they were getting ready for him to begin speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy when we noticed changes in his behavior, off he went for a CT Scan, and another aneurysm was found and back into a third surgery. This time an incision was made across his forehead, almost from ear to ear and the surgeon performed a brain bypass that closed off the ventricles on that side of the brain where the aneurysms were developing. He lived! He remained in the Hospital for three and one half months, most of this time was in ICU. I lived on a sofa behind his bed. God also introduced me to "Healing Angels." I knew we all had a Guardian Angel, but He said as many stars as you can see in the night sky there are that many angels available to help people. "But no one asks for them, or puts them to work." Wow, did I begin to ask for Healing Angels for Andre in that ICU room.

    During these months in ICU he developed an infection in his brain fluid - meningitis that I also stood on for The Power of God, being surrounded by prayers of faith and miracle words of healing. He came home the first week in April. He has no memory of the trauma he endured except for the headache at his job. The second week home, I had just taken him for an evaluation to enroll in out-patient therapy for speech, occupational and physical therapy, when he woke up that night with a bad headache. I called 9-1-1 and by ambulance he arrived back to St. Joseph's Hospital. Somehow the brain fluid infection of meningitis returned. He remained in the Hospital and was finally discharged on May 9, 2013. He was our greatest blessing on Mother's Day as he joined our family for lunch. He completed two months of out-patient therapies and today he walks and talks and his presence is an amazing testimony of healing on The Power of God, being surrounded by prayers of faith and miracle words of healing!

    This was not a testimony on cancer, but God wanted me to share it with you to encourage your faith for the miraculous. As God healed Andre, so too, He is powerful enough to heal you of cancer!
